WI SHRM 2021
State Conference
October 13 - 15, 2021
Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
2021 Exhbitor Information
Welcome to the 35th Annual Wisconsin SHRM State Conference!
This year’s conference begins on Wednesday October 13th, 2021 at Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. For those of you who were able to attend our last in-person conference, you may remember that we now have double the size of the conference area in order to provide all participants more space.
The planning committee is in full swing for this year’s events. Both in person and virtual options will be available. We are looking forward to having you there!
Nearly 1,400 human resource professionals from across the State of Wisconsin attended our last in-person conference in 2019. We are excited to see the growth the conference has taken over the past several years. The State SHRM conference was created to provide a space for HR professionals to gain education to continue their development while offering a shared location for service providers and Human Resources professionals to connect.
Speakers at this year’s conference will be offering learning sessions on the most up to date information and newest topics hitting the field. The conference features more than 8 hours of open exhibit time which including activities, food and beverage to attract attendees to your booth. You will be able to participate in the activities and entertainment that’s offered Wednesday and Thursday in the exhibit hall. New this year is the opportunity for exhibitors who have registered for an onsite booth to also have a virtual booth and interaction with our virtual attendees.
Thank you for considering the opportunity to exhibit at the 2021 WI State SHRM Conference. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
*Please note that as the public health departments and the CDC update guidelines regarding COVID, our guidelines may adjust as well. Please watch the website for updates.*

Key Items to Reference in this Packet: (click here to download)
- Due to COVID we will be taking extra precautionary measures to ensure your comfort and our attendees comfort during these unprecedented times. There will be some changes that will be new to those who have exhibited in the past. Please pay close attention to these. They will be highlighted in yellow.
- Setup begins on Wednesday, October 13th between 12:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. You will want to be sure to be fully set-up prior to the exhibit hall opening for attendees to visit, mingle and learn more about your offerings.
- Tear down is Thursday, October 14th between 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please DO NOT tear down early. Often attendees will visit the booths before they get into their last session.
- Early bird pricing before June 15th is $1,000 single booth and $2,000 double booth
- After June 15th booths are $1,275 for a single booth, $2,550 for a double booth as placement is based on availability.
- After August 31st booth prices increase to $1,575 single booth and $3,150 double booth. Location is based on availability.
- In order to ensure accurate ordering for meals and for capacity limits, there is a limit of 2 staff members per booth per day (4 for double booths). To help us monitor attendance and capacity, it’s important to ensure that if there are changes in staff, they return their badge. Exhibitors must always wear badges.
- You are welcome to participate in the learning sessions. To do so, simply register as a participant; exhibitor registration does not cover participation in those events.
- For electricity or booth rentals, you will need to request them from Valley Expo. They will be in contact after you complete your registration.
- Due to laws, regulations and our contract with Kalahari, any prepared food or beverage served at your booth are subject to the Kalahari’s restrictions and/or fees. This year we are asking that if you coordinate food or drink with Kalahari – please only hand out pre-packaged food and beverage.
- If you are planning a theme for your booth, please ensure that you can be recognized as part of our conference by displaying your badge. For safety reasons for you and our attendees, please plan on wearing face masks as social distancing may not be able to be maintained.
This year’s theme is “Cracking the HR Code.” Black, White, Silver and Gold will be the table skirting and draping colors for the Exhibit Hall.
Booth set up and décor is a great way to get the attendees attention!!
We are excited to announce that we will be having a booth decorating contest this year! Be sure to dress your booth up in order to draw in attendees. The winner will be recognized at Thursday morning’s breakfast. We will have an esteemed group from the committee judging.
Exhibit Hall Hours
Wednesday, October 13th
- 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Exhibit Hall Set-up
- 4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Exhibit Hall Opening Night
Thursday, October 14th
- 9:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Exhibit Hall Open
- 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. – Morning break by the Exhibit Hall
- 11:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. – Lunch for Exhibitors
- 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. – Attendee Lunch
- 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Afternoon break by the Exhibit Hall
- 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Exhibit Hall tear down
It is expected that you will have someone available to staff your booth during the above noted hours. There is a maximum of 2 staff per booth per day (4 for double booths).
Thursday, October 14th
- The exhibit hall opens 15 minutes prior to the morning keynote finishing. You will have plenty of snack choices and beverages during the morning and afternoon breaks. Attendee lunch will be buffet style with open seating in the East Corridor.
- Tickets for lunch will be included in your registration packet when you check in. Location and additional details for will be provided closer to the event
- You’re welcome to join us for dinner and entertainment on Thursday by purchasing a ticket when registering for the event. You can also purchase tickets during the event at the registration booth.
Friday, October 15th
We welcome you to join us Friday for only $50.00 per person. With this you’ll get access to two keynote sessions, breakouts and two meals. Please note that your meal expense is not included in the exhibitor pricing for either of these key notes. Be sure to register for Friday as an add-on!

Wednesday and Thursday Exhibit Hall Activities
The committee works each year to build activities that drive attendees to your booth. You are encouraged to participate. Information about each activity will be provided to you at the conference.
To help promote attendees to stay in the exhibit hall on Wednesday night, we will have a large drawing in which they have to be present to win at 7:00 p.m.
We encourage you to mingle and enjoy the appetizers Wednesday evening. There will also be cash bars.
You will be provided with a maximum of 2 lunches (4 for double booth) upon registration for Thursday. Exhibitor’s names must be provided. Your lunch tickets will be in your registration packet.
Details about where lunches will be provided will come out closer to the event.
Booth Prize Give-Away
We encourage you to have a booth drawing by collecting names/business cards at your booth. When doing so, we request that you follow one of the options detailed below.
Option One – Media Screen Listing:
You are welcome to start drawing winners on Wednesday night and throughout the day on Thursday. Winners’ names will be posted on a media screen and/or via the conference app and virtual platform. It will list their name and your booth number. Winner’s names must be submitted before 1:30 p.m. on Thursday. If you are unable to submit winners by this time, we ask that you manage communication and delivery to the winner.
Option Two – Exhibitor Booth Give-Away:
You are welcome to coordinate a giveaway at your booth. You can determine a time or a process in which you would announce a winner when the exhibit hall is open. If you elect to do your own drawing, we ask that you be courteous of your fellow exhibitors in your immediate area by respecting their exhibitor space and the noise level.
Exhibit Pricing
Early Bird Price! Register by June 15th and pay only $1,000 for a single booth or $2,000 for a double booth. Prices after June 15, 2021 increases to $1,275 for a single booth and $2,550 for a double booth. Registrations after August 31, 2021 will have a fee of $1,575 single booth and $3,150 double booth.
Each 8 x 10 booth includes the following:
- One 8’ x 30” skirted table
- Back and side drapes
- Panels to separate booths
- Two chairs
- A 7” x 44” sign with your business name
- Meals (max of 2 or 4 for double booth) for each registered exhibitor. (Wednesday evening and Thursday lunch)
**Electrical, acrylic barriers and any additional special requests for your booth should be requested directly with our on-site exhibitor services contractor, Valley Expo (you will receive communication from Valley Expo after you register).
**Additional precautionary measures being taken:
- One-way traffic flow in exhibit hall with dedicated entrance and exit and floor signage
- 15ft isles versus 10ft
- Sanitizer stations with hand sanitizer and wipes
Session Attendance
If staff are attending for the sole purpose of attending the conference they should register as a regular attendee.
Food & Beverages
We are under contract with Kalahari Resort for all food and beverages given to attendees. If you would like to serve any kind of prepared food at your booth, you will need to use Kalahari Resort services to prepare it or be subject to a fee. You must coordinate approval from the Catering Manager at Kalahari Resorts. If you are bringing any items in to give away at your booth that are food or beverages, you will need prior approval from the Catering Manager at Kalahari Resorts. Please also let us know that you have made these arrangements.
If you would like to advertise in the conference program you can get additional information by clicking here. Exhibitors can get a 10% discount off advertising based on the size of your ad. Primary exhibitors will be able to sign up for advertising during their registration process.
Sponsoring is an opportunity to maximize your firm’s exposure at the conference while demonstrating commitment to the HR profession. Sponsorship packages range from $1,500 to $15,000. Sponsors receive an exhibitor booth with preferred placement in the exhibit hall, these are on a first come first serve basis. Exhibitors who have confirmed a sponsorship for the 2021 conference will receive instructions from the Sponsorship Committee on how to register to get the correct pricing according to their sponsorship. If you are considering sponsorship, please reach out to Amy Doepke; adoepke.wishrm@gmail.com, Greg Hubley; ghubley@hayscompanies.com or Kris Giblin; Kgiblin@amstontrailer.com before registering as an exhibitor.
Website Vendor Directory
If you wish to be a part of the Wisconsin SHRM State Council Website, you can purchase a spot in our online Vendor Directory. For $300, you can be included on the page from January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022. Your listing includes your company name, brief description of your organization or headline, contact information and a hyperlink to your company website. This option is available in the Exhibitor registration process.
Each year we invite, encourage and support college students who have elected the human resource field as their professional path to be active attendees at the conference. As an exhibitor we are asking for your help to provide the same level of support to help educate and provide insights to the students. These individuals are the future of our profession. It may be that in less than a year, they are in positions that could influence decision making on your services or products. We really appreciate your willingness to partner with us.
General Liability Insurance
The Exhibitor agrees to maintain general liability insurance in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) to cover its potential liabilities and to name Wisconsin Council SHRM as additional insured’s under Exhibitor’s liability policy for the duration of the exhibit including move-in and move-out periods. Exhibitor shall assume responsibility for its officials, agents or employees, from theft, damage by fire, accidents or other causes. The Exhibitor agrees to make no claim against Wisconsin Council SHRM and will protect, indemnify, defend and save the above-named, harmless from any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising from or by reason of any accident, bodily injury, property damage, theft or loss, or other claims or occurrences to any person, including exhibitor, its employees and agents, or any business invitees, arising out of or related to exhibitor’s occupancy or use of the exhibition premises. Once registered we will be asking you to submit your certificate of insurance to us.
To Register
Go to www.wishrm.org and click on the 2021 WI SHRM State Conference logo on the main page. Once you are on the home page for the conference, click on the Exhibitors tab and then follow the registration process. All registration fees must be paid in full at time of registration to secure your exhibit booth.
- Organizational ID (email address) & Password - When you register the email address of the person registering for your organization will become your user ID. You will be asked to create a password for your organization. Please be sure to note of this information. We ask that you keep the names of who will be in attendance from your organization up to date.
- Organization Single Point of Contact – To help facilitate communications you will be asked to provide one point of contact for your organization. All exhibitor updates and information will be forwarded to this one contact. This individual can be different from the individual who registers your organization on-line.
- You will also find a link to our hotels and a timeline for the conference called “Conference at a Glance,” as well as information on conference attire, speaker, sponsorship and advertising information. This site will continue to be updated until the conference, so make sure to mark it as a favorite and return to it often.
Grand Door Prize Give-Away
An excellent way to receive recognition for your organization is to donate a prize for our Grand Door Prize Give-Away. We are asking that the value of these prizes be $100 or greater. These door prizes will be given away during our event on Thursday evening. Winners will be selected from the prize drum that will be in the exhibit hall Wednesday night and throughout the day on Thursday. These prizes are separate from any prizes you give away at your booth. Please deliver these prizes to Exhibitor Registration by Thursday at 11:00 a.m.
Thank you for your interest in the 2021 WI SHRM State Conference. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact:
WI SHRM is committed to keeping our conference as green as possible. We make an effort to provide all information electronically. We hope to limit use of excessive paper by offering electronic conference materials such as the conference schedule, speaker information, accommodation and travel information, and more. Please consider accessing information electronically before printing. We appreciate your efforts towards keeping the conference green as well!