State Conference Committee Position Nominee Interest Form

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Please create and then select, for upload, a file which:

  • Includes your first and last name.
  • Highlights the number of years and roles you have had in any SHRM chapter or national role.
  • Highlights any experience you have had with the WI State SHRM Conference. Please provide an explanation of your role and years you were involved. Also highlight your biggest learning from this experience.
  • Lists other groups, events or professional affiliations where you have volunteered on a team or committee and how that experience helps prepare you to fulfill this role.
  • Identifies your main objective in serving on the conference committee.
  • Ranks in order of preference three (3) positions on the committee you would be interested in filling.
  • Lists three references that could speak on your planning and teamwork attributes. Please include their name and phone number.
  • Discloses any conflict of interests that you may have in assuming this role.
Upload PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) resume:
* Please enter the code that you see: Click here to get a new code
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
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