DEI and Workplace... General 6 Steps to Minimi...
6 Steps to Minimize Group Think, Boost Innovation and Improve Outcomes
In today's fast-paced work environment, group think threatens to hinder thoughtful decision-making. Group think, characterized by the suppression of diverse viewpoints in favor of unanimity, can stifle innovation. When group think takes over, teams reach consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives, resulting in sub-optimal decisions and outcomes. For that reason, leaders must apply diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) best practices during meetings to foster an environment of open dialogue that values and embraces diversity of perspectives, experiences, backgrounds and expertise to ensure more robust discussions, thoughtful decisions and better outcomes.

Apply these six best practices individually or as a team to approach decision-making with a DEI lens to minimize group think and broaden possibilities:
  1. Acknowledge the limits of your personal experience. Appreciate that we look at the world through our own life experiences and recognize when our experiences, or lack thereof, may influence our actions and decisions. Pause to reflect on your personal beliefs, presumptions and preconceived opinions as well as experience and knowledge gaps prior to a discussion. During discussion, challenge yourself to empathetically listen to others before arguing your points. Use Tips to Bust Your Biases for other ideas on how to become more self-aware of blind spots.
  2. Uncover the root cause of the issue. Ensure you are addressing the real underlying concerns versus your assumed concerns. Play the 5 Why’s game to uncover the root cause of an issue.
  3. Define criteria for success up front. Set success criteria up front so rules are transparent and not adapted along the way to unintentionally favor your preferred idea or approach. Decision-making criteria should align with company values, DEI objectives and strategic goals to ensure outcomes reflect what is in the best interest of the organization versus personal beliefs or preferences.
  4. Consider who else should be consulted. Remember, you will always make a better decision with broad and diverse input. Pause and consult with at least one new person or alternative information source before pulling the trigger.
  5. Seek to understand when you don’t agree. Too often we are conditioned to think there is one right way (our way). The truth is, no one has a monopoly the truth and accepting that can help take the edge off the resistance you likely feel when your beliefs are challenged. Remind yourself that you can always learn even when you don’t always agree. Embrace a “both/and” mindset to avoid falling in the trap of a binary “either/or”, “right/wrong”, “good/bad” decision.
  6. Consider what can go right. We tend to have a negatively bias – over emphasizing what can go wrong versus what can go right – which often leads to inaction. Make a list of what can go right as well as what can go wrong with a decision. Reality usually falls somewhere in between.

Incorporating these DEI best practices into the decision-making process will minimize the detrimental effects of group think and pave the way for more inclusive decision-making and impactful outcomes.

Want more practical ideas to apply DEI to make work better?  Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/bethridley1/dei-exploratory-call.

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