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Calling on Wisconsin Employers to Join Wisconsin Saves Program - You can still sign up!

You can still sign up! Following up from last week, on November 9, 2023, Gov. Tony Evers proclaimed, Wisconsin Saves Day in Wisconsin. The proclamation is part of a statewide effort promoting automatic saving through the workplace with the Wisconsin Saves program to improve financial well-being.

The Wisconsin Saves program is an employee-focused savings initiative, which started as a pilot program in 2020. The program provides Wisconsin employers with resources to encourage their employees to save for emergencies and the future with their paychecks by using the automated saving strategy of split deposit.

As a human resources leader in your organization, will you help us promote this program to your employer and encourage them to be a part of this important effort? Please find attached a brief article that you are welcome to share with your organization’s leaders.

More than 100 employers in Wisconsin, representing approximately 15,000 employees, are already signed up for the Wisconsin Saves program and are actively using the program’s resources to educate their employees about split deposit and encourage the use of the automated savings strategy today. The research-based program uses the principles of behavioral economics and social marketing to change behavior. All Wisconsin employers are eligible to participate in the program.

Employers can sign up for the Wisconsin Saves program on the Wisconsin Saves website, or on the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions’ Wisconsin Saves webpage. Participating employers will receive free resources and a digital toolkit to educate their employees on the importance of building emergency savings, and the ease and benefits of saving automatically through split deposit.

If you have questions about this program, please feel free to reach out to me; otherwise, thank you, in advance, for helping us spread the word about this important program. We appreciate your help. 


David Mancl
Financial Literacy Director, Office of Financial Capability
Executive Director, Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Cell: (608) 572-5794
Email: David.Mancl@dfi.wisconsin.gov
Website: dfi.wi.gov

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